The Vision of SALAD is a prosperous, diverse and multicultural community in which the common good is advanced through the protection, promotion and enhancement of the legitimate rights, aspirations, duties and contributions of  all peoples.


The Mission of SALAD is:


  • To combat all forms of bigotry and discrimination against Hispanics and all persons;

  • To defend the civil and human rights, and civil liberties of Hispanics and all persons;

  • To strengthen democratic institutions, promote the democratization of the decision-making process in all spheres and all levels of society, and secure the free and equal access of Hispanics and all persons to such process;

  • To promote the educational, intellectual, ethical, economic, and social advancement of Hispanics and all persons;

  • To encourage the responsible and effective participation of Hispanics and others in all aspects and levels of government and in the community’s social/economic development;

  • To increase among Hispanics and other ethnic groups the knowledge and understanding of their own cultural heritage and identity, and stimulate the sharing of such cultures to the enrichment of the total community; and

  • To work toward the development of mutual understanding and cooperation between groups.